Simulate model objectΒΆ

In this example, we simulate 3 brain objects using a subset of 10 locations. We will impose a correlational structure (a toeplitz matrix) on our simulated brain objects. Then, we will create a model from these brain objects and plot it.

# Code source: Lucy Owen & Andrew Heusser
# License: MIT

import supereeg as se

# simulate 100 locations
locs = se.simulate_locations(n_elecs=100)

# simulate correlation matrix
R = se.create_cov(cov='toeplitz', n_elecs=len(locs))

# create list of simulated brain objects
model_bos = [se.simulate_model_bos(n_samples=1000, sample_rate=1000, cov=R,
                                   locs=locs, sample_locs=10) for x in range(3)]

# create model from subsampled gray locations
model = se.Model(model_bos, locs=locs)

# plot the model

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.548 seconds)

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