Loading dataΒΆ

Here, we load an example dataset and then print out some information about it.

  • ../_images/sphx_glr_plot_load_example_data_001.png
  • ../_images/sphx_glr_plot_load_example_data_002.png


Number of electrodes: 64
Recording time in seconds: [ 5.3984375 14.1328125]
Sample Rate in Hz: [256, 256]
Number of sessions: 2
Date created: Fri Mar  9 17:09:35 2018
Meta data: {'patient': u'CH003'}

# Code source: Lucy Owen & Andrew Heusser
# License: MIT

# import
import supereeg as se

# load example data
bo = se.load('example_data')

# check out the brain object (bo)

# look data, stored as pandas dataframe

# then can visualize locations

# visualize the data with plot_data
# the default time window is the first 10 seconds, but you can specify your own timewindow
bo.plot_data(time_min=0, time_max=5)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.534 seconds)

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