Convert and save nifti fileΒΆ

This example converts a brain object into a nifti and saves it.

  • ../_images/sphx_glr_plot_export_nifti_001.png
  • ../_images/sphx_glr_plot_export_nifti_002.png
# Code source: Lucy Owen & Andrew Heusser
# License: MIT

# import
import supereeg as se

# load example data to convert to nifti
bo = se.load('example_data')

# convert to nifti two ways:

# if no parameters are passed default uses gray matter masked brain downsampled to 6 mm resolution
# 1: convert with to_nii() method
nii_bo1 = bo.to_nii(template='gray', vox_size=20)


# 2: pass to initialize nifti
nii_bo2 = se.Nifti(bo, template='gray', vox_size=20)


# save nifti'/path/to/save/nifti')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.610 seconds)

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