Source code for supereeg.nifti

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import six # Python 2 and 3 compatibility
from nibabel import Nifti1Image
from nilearn.image import concat_imgs, index_img
from nilearn import plotting as ni_plt
from .helpers import make_gif_pngs
from .brain import Brain

[docs]class Nifti(Nifti1Image): """ Nifti class for the supereeg package. Extends the Nibabel.Nifti1Image class. Parameters ---------- data : object or path to Nifti1Image, supereeg.Brain, supereeg.Model, supereeg.Nifti or np.ndarray Data can be a nifti image (either supereeg.Nifti or path to Nifti1Image), supereeg.Brain object, supereeg.Model object, or a np.ndarray an N-D array containing the image data affine : np.ndarray A (4, 4) affine matrix mapping array coordinates to coordinates in MNI coordinate space. header : nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header Image metadata in the form of a header (optional parameter, use when creating nifti object from np.ndarray). Returns ---------- nii : supereeg.Nifti Instance of Nifti data class, (nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image subclass) """
[docs] def __init__(self, data, affine=None, **kwargs): from .load import load, datadict from .brain import Brain from .model import Model if isinstance(data, six.string_types): if data in datadict.keys(): data = load(data) else: image = Nifti1Image.load(data) super(Nifti, self).__init__(image.dataobj, image.affine) if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if affine is None: raise IOError("If data is provided as array, affine must also be provided") else: super(Nifti,self).__init__(data,affine,**kwargs) elif isinstance(data, Nifti): super(Nifti, self).__init__(data.dataobj, data.affine) elif isinstance(data, Brain): data = data.to_nii(**kwargs) super(Nifti, self).__init__(data.dataobj, data.affine) elif isinstance(data, Model): bo = Brain(data) data = bo.to_nii(**kwargs) super(Nifti, self).__init__(data.dataobj, data.affine)
def info(self): """ Print info about the Nifti Prints the header information Could print more if necessary """ print('Header: ' + str(self.header)) def get_slice(self, index): if len(self.shape)>3: if self.shape[3]>1: cat_nii = [] if hasattr(type(index), "__iter__"): for i in index: nii = index_img(self, i) cat_nii.append(nii) return concat_imgs(cat_nii) def plot_anat(self, pdfpath=None, index=1): """ Plots nifti data Parameters ---------- nifti : nifti image Nifti image to plot pdfpath : str or None Path to save pdf index : int or list Timepoint to plot Returns ---------- results: nilearn plot_anat plot data """ if len(self.shape)>3: if self.shape[3]>1: if hasattr(type(index), "__iter__"): for i in index: nii = index_img(self, i) ni_plt.plot_anat(nii) else: nii = index_img(self, index) ni_plt.plot_anat(nii) else: ni_plt.plot_anat(self) else: ni_plt.plot_anat(self) if not pdfpath: def plot_glass_brain(self, pdfpath=None, index=1): """ Plots nifti data Parameters ---------- nifti : nifti image Nifti image to plot pdfpath : str or None Path to save pdf index : int or list Timepoint to plot Returns ---------- results: nilearn plot_glass_brain plot data """ if len(self.shape)>3: if self.shape[3] > 1: if hasattr(type(index), "__iter__"): for i in index: nii = index_img(self, i) ni_plt.plot_glass_brain(nii) else: nii = index_img(self, index) ni_plt.plot_glass_brain(nii) else: ni_plt.plot_glass_brain(self) if not pdfpath: def make_gif(self, gifpath, index=range(0, 10), name=None, **kwargs): """ Plots nifti data as png and compiles as gif Parameters ---------- nifti : nifti image Nifti image to plot gifpath : str Path to save pngs (necessary argument) index : int or list Timepoints to plot name : str Name for png files Returns ---------- results: nilearn plot_glass_brain gif plot data and compile gif """ assert len(self.shape)>3, '4D necessary for gif' make_gif_pngs(self, gifpath, index, name, **kwargs) def get_locs(self): """ Return locations of voxels """ bo = Brain(self) return bo.get_locs() def save(self, filepath): """ Save file to disk """ self.to_filename(filepath)