Source code for supereeg.helpers

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

#TODO: there are multiple implementations of functions like _apply_by_file_index.  these should be consolidated into one
#common function that is used and called multiple times.  In addition, aggregator and transform functions that are used
#across apply_by_file wrappers should be shared (rather than defined multiple times).  We could also call_apply_by_file_index
#"groupby" to conform to the pandas style.  e.g. bo.groupby(session) returns a generator whose produces are brain objects
#each of one session.  we could then use bo.groupby(session).aggregate(xform) to produce a list of objects, where each is
#comprised of the xform applied to the brain object containing one session worth of data from the original object.

import copy
import os
import numpy.matlib as mat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import imageio
import nibabel as nib
import hypertools as hyp
import shutil
import warnings

from nilearn import plotting as ni_plt
from nilearn import image
from nilearn.input_data import NiftiMasker
from scipy.stats import kurtosis, zscore, pearsonr
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from scipy.special import logsumexp
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
    from itertools import zip_longest
    from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest

def _std(res=None):
    Load a Nifti image of the standard MNI 152 brain at the given resolution

    res : int or float or None
        If int or float: (for cubic voxels) or a list or array of 3D voxel dimensions
        If None, returns loaded gray matter masked brain

    results : Nifti1Image
         Nifti image of the standard brain

    from .nifti import Nifti
    from .load import load

    std_img = load('std')
    if res:
        return _resample_nii(std_img, res)
        return std_img

def _gray(res=None):
    Load a Nifti image of the gray matter masked MNI 152 brain at the given resolution

    res : int or float or None
        If int or float: (for cubic voxels) or a list or array of 3D voxel dimensions
        If None, returns loaded gray matter masked brain

    results : Nifti1Image
         Nifti image of gray masked brain

    from .nifti import Nifti
    from .load import load

    gray_img = load('gray')
    threshold = 100
    gray_data = gray_img.get_data()
    gray_data[np.isnan(gray_data) | (gray_data < threshold)] = 0

    if np.iterable(res) or np.isscalar(res):
        return _resample_nii(Nifti(gray_data, gray_img.affine), res)
        return Nifti(gray_data, gray_img.affine)

def _resample_nii(x, target_res, precision=5):
    Resample a Nifti image to have the given voxel dimensions

    x : Nifti1Image
        Input Nifti image (a nibel Nifti1Image object)

    target_res : int or float or None
        Int or float (for cubic voxels) or a list or array of 3D voxel dimensions

    precision : int
        Number of decimal places in affine transformation matrix for resulting image (default: 5)

    results : Nifti1Image
         Re-scaled Nifti image


    from .nifti import Nifti

    if np.any(np.isnan(x.get_data())):
        img = x.get_data()
        img[np.isnan(img)] = 0.0
        x = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(img, x.affine)

    res = x.header.get_zooms()[0:3]
    scale = np.divide(res, target_res).ravel()

    target_affine = x.affine

    target_affine[0:3, 0:3] /= scale
    target_affine = np.round(target_affine, decimals=precision)

    # correct for 1-voxel shift
    target_affine[0:3, 3] -= np.squeeze(np.multiply(np.divide(target_res, 2.0), np.sign(target_affine[0:3, 3])))
    target_affine[0:3, 3] += np.squeeze(np.sign(target_affine[0:3, 3]))

    if len(scale) < np.ndim(x.get_data()):
        assert np.ndim(x.get_data()) == 4, 'Data must be 3D or 4D'
        scale = np.append(scale, x.shape[3])

    z = zoom(x.get_data(), scale)
        z[z < 1e-5] = np.nan
    return Nifti(z, target_affine)

def _apply_by_file_index(bo, xform, aggregator):
    Session dependent function application and aggregation

    bo : Brain object
        Contains data

    xform : function
        The function to apply to the data matrix from each filename

    aggregator: function
        Function for aggregating results across multiple iterations

    results : numpy ndarray
         Array of aggregated results


    for idx, session in enumerate(bo.sessions.unique()):
        session_xform = xform(bo.get_slice(sample_inds=np.where(bo.sessions == session)[0], inplace=False))
        if idx is 0:
            results = session_xform
            results = aggregator(results, session_xform)

    return results

def _kurt_vals(bo):
    Function that calculates maximum kurtosis values for each channel

    bo : Brain object
        Contains data

    results: 1D ndarray
        Maximum kurtosis across sessions for each channel

    sessions = bo.sessions.unique()
    results = list(map(lambda s: kurtosis([(s==bo.sessions).values]), sessions))
    return np.max(np.vstack(results), axis=0)

def _get_corrmat(bo):
    Function that calculates the average subject level correlation matrix for brain object across session

    bo : Brain object
        Contains data

    results: 2D np.ndarray
        The average correlation matrix across sessions


    def aggregate(p, n):
        return p + n

    def zcorr_xform(bo):
        return np.multiply(bo.dur, _r2z(1 - squareform(pdist(bo.get_data().T, 'correlation'))))

    summed_zcorrs = _apply_by_file_index(bo, zcorr_xform, aggregate)

    #weight each session by recording time
    return _z2r(summed_zcorrs / np.sum(bo.dur))

def _z_score(bo):
    Function that calculates the average subject level correlation matrix for brain object across session

    bo : Brain object
        Contains data

    results: 2D np.ndarray
        The average correlation matrix across sessions

    def z_score_xform(bo):
        return zscore(bo.get_data())

    def vstack_aggregrate(x1, x2):
        return np.vstack((x1, x2))

    return _apply_by_file_index(bo, z_score_xform, vstack_aggregrate)

def _z2r(z):
    Function that calculates the inverse Fisher z-transformation

    z : int or ndarray
        Fishers z transformed correlation value

    result : int or ndarray
        Correlation value

    if isinstance(z, list):
        z = np.array(z)
    r = (np.exp(2 * z) - 1) / (np.exp(2 * z) + 1)
    if isinstance(r, np.ndarray):
        r[np.isinf(z) & (z > 0)] = 1
        r[np.isinf(z) & (z < 0)] = -1
        if np.isinf(z) & (z > 0):
            return 1
        elif np.isinf(z) & (z < 0):
            return -1
    return r

def _r2z(r):
    Function that calculates the Fisher z-transformation

    r : int or ndarray
        Correlation value

    result : int or ndarray
        Fishers z transformed correlation value

    return 0.5 * (np.log(1 + r) - np.log(1 - r))

def _log_rbf(to_coords, from_coords, width=20):
    Radial basis function

    to_coords : ndarray
        Series of all coordinates (one per row) - R_full

    c : ndarray
        Series of subject's coordinates (one per row) - R_subj

    width : positive scalar

    results : ndarray
        Matrix of log rbf weights for each subject coordinate for all coordinates

    assert np.isscalar(width), 'RBF width must be a scalar'
    assert width > 0, 'RBF width must be positive'
    weights = -cdist(to_coords, from_coords, metric='euclidean') ** 2 / float(width)
    return weights

[docs]def tal2mni(r): """ Convert coordinates (electrode locations) from Talairach to MNI space Parameters ---------- r : ndarray Coordinate locations (Talairach space) Returns ---------- results : ndarray Coordinate locations (MNI space) """ rotmat = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.9988, 0.0500, 0], [0, -0.0500, 0.9988, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1.0000]]) up = np.array([[0.9900, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.9700, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.9200, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1.0000]]) down = np.array([[0.9900, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.9700, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.8400, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1.0000]]) inpoints = np.c_[r, np.ones(r.shape[0], dtype=np.float)].T tmp = inpoints[2, :] < 0 inpoints[:, tmp] = linalg.solve(, down), inpoints[:, tmp]) inpoints[:, ~tmp] = linalg.solve(, up), inpoints[:, ~tmp]) return np.round(inpoints[0:3, :].T, decimals=2)
def _blur_corrmat(Z, weights): """ Gets full correlation matrix Parameters ---------- Z : Numpy array Subject's Fisher z-transformed correlation matrix weights : Numpy array Weights matrix calculated using _log_rbf function matrix mode : str Specifies whether to compute over all elecs (fit mode) or just new elecs (predict mode) Returns ---------- numerator : Numpy array Numerator for the expanded correlation matrix denominator : Numpy array Denominator for the expanded correlation matrix """ #import seaborn as sns #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt triu_inds = np.triu_indices(Z.shape[0], k=1) #need to do computations seperately for positive and negative values sign_Z_full = np.sign(Z) #logZ_pos_full = np.log(np.multiply(sign_Z_full > 0, Z)) #logZ_neg_full = np.log(np.multiply(sign_Z_full < 0, np.abs(Z))) sign_Z = sign_Z_full[triu_inds] logZ_pos = np.log(np.multiply(sign_Z > 0, Z[triu_inds])) logZ_neg = np.log(np.multiply(sign_Z < 0, np.abs(Z[triu_inds]))) n = weights.shape[0] K_pos = np.zeros([n, n]) K_neg = np.zeros([n, n]) W = np.zeros([n, n]) for x in range(n-1): xweights = weights[x, :] x_match = np.isclose(xweights, 0) for y in range(x+1, n): #fill in upper triangle only yweights = weights[y, :] y_match = np.isclose(yweights, 0) if np.any(x_match) and np.any(y_match): #the pair of locations we're filling in already exists in the given data x_ind = np.where(x_match)[0] y_ind = np.where(y_match)[0] Z_match_val = np.mean(Z[x_ind, y_ind]) W[x, y] = 0. if Z_match_val > 0: K_pos[x, y] = np.log(Z_match_val) K_neg[x, y] = -np.inf else: K_pos[x, y] = -np.inf K_neg[x, y] = np.log(np.abs(Z_match_val)) continue next_weights = np.add.outer(xweights, yweights) next_weights = next_weights[triu_inds] W[x, y] = logsumexp(next_weights) K_pos[x, y] = logsumexp(logZ_pos + next_weights) K_neg[x, y] = logsumexp(logZ_neg + next_weights) #turn K_neg into complex numbers. Where K_neg is infinite, this results in nans for the real number parts, so we'll #set any nans in K_neg.real to 0 #TODO: the next lines are redundant with code in _to_log_complex; consolidate K_neg = np.multiply(0+1j, K_neg) K_neg.real[np.isnan(K_neg)] = 0 K = K_pos + K_neg return K + K.T, W + W.T def _to_log_complex(X): """ Compute the log of the given numpy array. Store all positive members of the original array in the real component of the result and all negative members of the original array in the complex component of the result. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array to take the log of Returns ---------- log_X_complex : The log of X, stored as complex numbers to keep track of the positive and negative parts """ warnings.simplefilter('ignore') signX = np.sign(X) posX = np.log(np.multiply(signX > 0, X)) posX[np.isnan(posX)] = 0 negX = np.log(np.abs(np.multiply(signX < 0, X))) negX = np.multiply(0 + 1j, negX) negX.real[np.isnan(negX.real)] = 0 return posX + negX def _to_exp_real(C): """ Inverse of _to_log_complex """ posX = np.exp(C.real) if np.any(np.iscomplex(C)): negX = np.exp(C.imag) return posX - negX else: return posX def _logsubexp(x,y): """ Subtracts logged arrays Parameters ---------- x : Numpy array Log complex array y : Numpy array Log complex array Returns ---------- z : Numpy array Returns log complex array of x-y """ if np.any(np.iscomplex(y)): y = _to_exp_real(y) else: y = np.exp(y) sub_log = _to_log_complex(x) neg_y_log = _to_log_complex(-y) sub_log.real = np.logaddexp(x.real, neg_y_log.real) sub_log.imag = np.logaddexp(x.imag, neg_y_log.imag) return sub_log def _fill_upper_triangle(M, value): upper_tri = np.copy(M) upper_tri[np.triu_indices(upper_tri.shape[0], 1)] = value np.fill_diagonal(upper_tri, value) return upper_tri def _timeseries_recon(bo, mo, chunk_size=1000, preprocess='zscore', recon_loc_inds=None): """ Reconstruction done by chunking by session Parameters ---------- bo : Brain object Data to be reconstructed mo : Model object Model to base the reconstructions on chunk_size : int Size to break data into recon_at_loc: list Indexes for estimated location in average matrix (location in unknown_inds) Returns ---------- results : ndarray Compiled reconstructed timeseries """ if preprocess==None: data = bo.get_data().as_matrix() elif preprocess=='zscore': if[0]<3: warnings.warn('Not enough samples to zscore so it will be skipped.' ' Note that this will cause problems if your data are not already ' 'zscored.') data = bo.get_data().as_matrix() else: data = bo.get_zscore_data() else: raise('Unsupported preprocessing option: ' + preprocess) brain_locs_in_model = _count_overlapping(mo.get_locs(), bo.get_locs()) model_locs_in_brain = _count_overlapping(bo.get_locs(), mo.get_locs()) if np.all(model_locs_in_brain): #if the model contains all of the locations (or fewer) than what are in the brain object, no reconstructions #are needed return data[:, brain_locs_in_model] #otherwise, we'll need to do some work Z = mo.get_model(z_transform=True) if ~np.any(brain_locs_in_model): #if none of the brain locations are in the model, we need to blur out the model to match up with the # locations in the brain object ### isnt this bypassed in the set_locs?? combined_locs = np.vstack((bo.get_locs(), mo.get_locs())) model_locs_in_brain = [False]*bo.get_locs().shape[0] model_locs_in_brain.extend([True]*mo.get_locs().shape[0]) rbf_weights = _log_rbf(combined_locs, mo.get_locs()) Z = _blur_corrmat(Z, rbf_weights) K = _z2r(Z) known_inds, unknown_inds = known_unknown(mo.get_locs().as_matrix(), bo.get_locs().as_matrix(), bo.get_locs().as_matrix()) Kaa = K[known_inds, :][:, known_inds] Kaa_inv = np.linalg.pinv(Kaa) Kba = K[unknown_inds, :][:, known_inds] sessions = bo.sessions.unique() filter_chunks = [] chunks = [np.array(i) for session in sessions for i in _chunker(bo.sessions[bo.sessions == session].index.tolist(), chunk_size)] for i in chunks: filter_chunks.append([x for x in i if x is not None]) chunks=None if recon_loc_inds: combined_data = np.zeros((data.shape[0], len(recon_loc_inds)), dtype=data.dtype) for x in filter_chunks: combined_data[x,range(len(recon_loc_inds))] = _reconstruct_activity(data[x, :], Kba, Kaa_inv, recon_loc_inds=recon_loc_inds) else: combined_data = np.zeros((data.shape[0], K.shape[0]), dtype=data.dtype) combined_data[:, unknown_inds] = np.vstack(list(map(lambda x: _reconstruct_activity(data[x, :], Kba, Kaa_inv), filter_chunks))) combined_data[:, known_inds] = data for s in sessions: combined_data[bo.sessions==s, :] = zscore(combined_data[bo.sessions==s, :]) return combined_data def _chunker(iterable, chunksize, fillvalue=None): """ Chunks longer sequence by regular interval Parameters ---------- iterable : list or ndarray Use would be a long timeseries that needs to be broken down chunksize : int Size to break down Returns ---------- results : ndarray Chunked timeseries """ try: from itertools import zip_longest as zip_longest except: from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest args = [iter(iterable)] * chunksize return list(zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)) def _reconstruct_activity(Y, Kba, Kaa_inv, recon_loc_inds=None): """ Reconstruct activity Parameters ---------- Y : numpy array brain object with zscored data Kba : correlation matrix (unknown to known) Kaa_inv : inverse correlation matrix (known to known) zscore = False Returns ---------- results : ndarray Reconstructed timeseries """ if recon_loc_inds: return np.squeeze(, Kaa_inv), Y.T).T)[:, recon_loc_inds[0]] else: return, Kaa_inv), Y.T).T def filter_elecs(bo, measure='kurtosis', threshold=10): """ Filter electrodes based on kurtosis value Parameters ---------- bo : brain object Brain object measure : 'kurtosis' Method to filter electrodes. Only kurtosis supported currently. threshold : int Threshold for filtering Returns ---------- result : brain object Brain object with electrodes and corresponding data that passes kurtosis thresholding """ thresh_bool = bo.kurtosis > threshold nbo = copy.deepcopy(bo) #TODO: modify bo.get_locs rather than copying brain object again here =[:, ~thresh_bool] nbo.locs = bo.locs.loc[~thresh_bool] nbo.n_elecs =[1] return nbo def filter_subj(bo, measure='kurtosis', return_locs=False, threshold=10): """ Filter subjects if less than two electrodes pass kurtosis value Parameters ---------- bo : str Path to brain object measure : 'kurtosis' Method to filter electrodes. Only kurtosis supported currently. return_locs : bool Default False, returns meta data. If True, returns electrode locations that pass kurtosis threshold threshold : int Threshold for filtering. Returns ---------- result : meta brain object or None Meta field from brain object if two or more electrodes pass kurtosis thresholding. """ from .load import load locs = load(bo, field='locs') kurt_vals = load(bo, field='kurtosis') meta = load(bo, field='meta') if not meta is None: thresh_bool = kurt_vals > threshold if sum(~thresh_bool) < 2: print(meta + ': not enough electrodes pass threshold') else: if return_locs: locs = pd.DataFrame(locs, columns=['x', 'y', 'z']) return meta, locs[~thresh_bool] else: return meta else: print('no meta data for brain object') def _corr_column(X, Y): return np.array([pearsonr(x, y)[0] for x, y in zip(X.T, Y.T)]) def _normalize_Y(Y_matrix): #TODO: should be part of bo.get_data and/or Brain.__init__ """ Normalizes timeseries Parameters ---------- Y_matrix : ndarray Raw activity from each electrode channel Returns ---------- results : ndarray Normalized activity from each electrode channel """ Y = Y_matrix m = mat.repmat(np.min(Y, axis=0), Y.shape[0], 1) Y = Y - m m = mat.repmat(np.max(Y, axis=0), Y.shape[0], 1) Y = np.divide(Y, m) added = mat.repmat(0.5 + np.arange(Y.shape[1]), Y.shape[0], 1) Y = Y + added return pd.DataFrame(Y) def _fullfact(dims): ''' Replicates MATLAB's _fullfact function (behaves the same way) ''' vals = np.asmatrix(list(range(1, dims[0] + 1))).T if len(dims) == 1: return vals else: aftervals = np.asmatrix(_fullfact(dims[1:])) inds = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((, len(dims)))) row = 0 for i in range(aftervals.shape[0]): inds[row:(row + len(vals)), 0] = vals inds[row:(row + len(vals)), 1:] = np.tile(aftervals[i, :], (len(vals), 1)) row += len(vals) return inds def model_compile(data): """ Compile existing expanded correlation matrices. Parameters ---------- data : list of model object file directories Compiles model objects Returns ---------- model : Model object A new updated model object """ from .load import load m = load(data[0]) m.update(data[1:]) return m def _near_neighbor(bo, mo, match_threshold='auto'): #TODO: should this be part of bo.get_locs() or Brain.__init__, or possibly model.__init__? """ Finds the nearest voxel for each subject's electrode location and uses that as revised electrodes location matrix in the prediction. Parameters ---------- bo : Brain object Brain object to update mo : Model object Model object for the nearests locations used to predict match_threshold : 'auto', int, or None Threshold used to find nearest neighbor options: match_threshold = 'auto' : include only nearest neighbor if falls within one voxel distance match_threshold = 0 :set nearest_neighbor = False and proceed (only exact matches will be used) match_threshol = None use best match and don't check (even if far away) match_threshold > 0 : include only nearest neighbor that are within given distance Returns ---------- bo : Brain object A new updated brain object """ nbo = copy.deepcopy(bo) #FIXME: copying is expensive... nbo.orig_locs = nbo.locs d = cdist(nbo.locs, mo.locs, metric='Euclidean') for i in range(len(nbo.locs)): min_ind = list(zip(*np.where(d == d.min())))[0] nbo.locs.iloc[min_ind[0], :] = mo.locs.iloc[min_ind[1], :] d[min_ind[0]] = np.inf d[:, min_ind[1]] = np.inf if not match_threshold is 0 or None: if match_threshold is 'auto': v_size = _vox_size(mo.locs) thresh_bool = abs(nbo.locs - bo.locs) > v_size thresh_bool = thresh_bool.any(1).ravel() else: thresh_bool = abs(nbo.locs - bo.locs) > match_threshold thresh_bool = thresh_bool.any(1).ravel() assert match_threshold > 0, 'Negative Euclidean distances are not allowed' =[:, ~thresh_bool] nbo.locs = nbo.locs.loc[~thresh_bool, :] nbo.n_elecs =[1] nbo.kurtosis = nbo.kurtosis[~thresh_bool] return nbo else: return nbo def _vox_size(locs): """ Finds voxel size Parameters ---------- locs : pandas DataFrame Locations in brain extracted from nifti Returns ---------- results : ndarray 1 x n_dims of voxel size """ from .brain import Brain bo_n = Brain(data=np.array([0])) n_dims = locs.shape[1] v_size = np.zeros([1, n_dims]) # make voxel function for i in np.arange(n_dims): a = np.unique(locs.iloc[:, i]) dists = pdist(np.atleast_2d(a).T, 'euclidean') #v_size[0][i] = np.min(dists[dists > 0]) if np.sum(dists > 0) > 0: v_size[0][i] = np.min(dists[dists > 0]) else: v_size[0][i] = bo_n.minimum_voxel_size return v_size def _unique(X): """ Wrapper for np.unique and pd.unique that also returns matching indices Parameters ---------- X : numpy array or pandas dataframe with electrode locations Returns ---------- unique_X : the sorted unique rows of X unique_inds : the indices of X such that X[unique_inds, :] == X (or X.iloc[unique_inds] == X) """ if X is None: return None, [] dataframe = type(X) is pd.DataFrame if dataframe: columns = X.columns X = X.as_matrix() assert type(X) is np.ndarray, 'must pass in a numpy ndarray or dataframe' uX, inds = np.unique(X, axis=0, return_index=True) if dataframe: uX = pd.DataFrame(data=uX, columns=columns, index=np.arange(len(inds))) return uX, inds def _union(X, Y): #TODO: add test for _union """ Wrapper for np.vstack and pd.vstack that returns unique locations Parameters ---------- X : numpy array or pandas dataframe with electrode locations Y : numpy array or pandas dataframe with electrode locations Returns ---------- XY: the unique values of X and Y stacked together in the same format. If either X or Y is a dataframe, then XY is a dataframe with the same columsn. Otherwise XY is a numpy array. """ if X is None: return Y elif Y is None: return X dataframeX = type(X) is pd.DataFrame if dataframeX: columnsX = X.columns X = X.as_matrix() dataframeY = type(Y) is pd.DataFrame if dataframeY: columnsY = Y.columns Y = Y.as_matrix() if dataframeX and dataframeY: assert np.all(columnsX == columnsY), 'Input dataframes have mismatched columns' assert X.shape[1] == Y.shape[1], 'Input data must have the same number of columns' XY = np.vstack((X, Y)) XY_unique, tmp = _unique(XY) if dataframeX or dataframeY: if dataframeX: columns = columnsX else: columns = columnsY return pd.DataFrame(data=XY_unique, columns=columns, index=np.arange(XY_unique.shape[0])) else: return XY def _empty(X): #TODO: ad test for _empty """ Return true if X is None or if any element of X.shape is 0 """ if X is None: return True else: return np.any(np.isclose(X.shape, 0)) def get_rows(all_locations, subj_locations): """ This function indexes a subject's electrode locations in the full array of electrode locations Parameters ---------- all_locations : ndarray Full array of electrode locations subj_locations : ndarray Array of subject's electrode locations Returns ---------- results : list Indexs for subject electrodes in the full array of electrodes """ if subj_locations.ndim == 1: subj_locations = subj_locations.reshape(1, 3) inds = np.full([1, subj_locations.shape[0]], np.nan) for i in range(subj_locations.shape[0]): possible_locations = np.ones([all_locations.shape[0], 1]) try: for c in range(all_locations.shape[1]): possible_locations[all_locations[:, c] != subj_locations[i, c], :] = 0 inds[0, i] = np.where(possible_locations == 1)[0][0] except: pass inds = inds[~np.isnan(inds)] return [int(x) for x in inds] def known_unknown(fullarray, knownarray, subarray=None, electrode=None): """ This finds the indices for known and unknown electrodes in the full array of electrode locations Parameters ---------- fullarray : ndarray Full array of electrode locations - All electrodes that pass the kurtosis test knownarray : ndarray Subset of known electrode locations - Subject's electrode locations that pass the kurtosis test (in the leave one out case, this is also has the specified location missing) subarray : ndarray Subject's electrode locations (all) electrode : str Index of electrode in subarray to remove (in the leave one out case) Returns ---------- known_inds : list List of known indices unknown_inds : list List of unknown indices """ ## where known electrodes are located in full matrix known_inds = get_rows(np.round(fullarray, 3), np.round(knownarray, 3)) ## where the rest of the electrodes are located unknown_inds = list(set(range(np.shape(fullarray)[0])) - set(known_inds)) if not electrode is None: ## where the removed electrode is located in full matrix rm_full_ind = get_rows(np.round(fullarray, 3), np.round(subarray[int(electrode)], 3)) ## where the removed electrode is located in the unknown index subset rm_unknown_ind = np.where(np.array(unknown_inds) == np.array(rm_full_ind))[0].tolist() return known_inds, unknown_inds, rm_unknown_ind else: return known_inds, unknown_inds def remove_electrode(subkarray, subarray, electrode): """ Removes electrode from larger array Parameters ---------- subkarray : ndarray Subject's electrode locations that pass the kurtosis test subarray : ndarray Subject's electrode locations (all) electrode : str Index of electrode in subarray to remove Returns ---------- results : ndarray Subject's electrode locations that pass kurtosis test with electrode removed """ rm_ind = get_rows(subkarray, subarray[electrode]) other_inds = [i for i in range(np.shape(subkarray)[0]) if i != electrode] return np.delete(subkarray, rm_ind, 0), other_inds def _count_overlapping(X, Y): """ Finds overlapping rows in two matrices Parameters ---------- X : Numpy array of reference data Y : Numpy array of to-be-tested data Returns ---------- results : ndarray Array of length Y.shape[0] with 0s and 1s, where 1s denote rows in Y that are also in X """ return np.sum([(Y == x).all(1) for idx, x in X.iterrows()], 0).astype(bool) def make_gif_pngs(nifti, gif_path, index=range(100, 200), name=None, **kwargs): """ Plots series of nifti timepoints as nilearn plot_glass_brain in .png format Parameters ---------- nifti : nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image Nifti of reconconstruction gif_path : directory Directory to save .png files name : str Name for gif, default is None and will name the file based on the time windows window_min : int Lower bound for time window. window_max : int Upper bound for time window. Returns ---------- results : png Series of pngs """ for i in index: nii_i = image.index_img(nifti, i) outfile = os.path.join(gif_path, str(i).zfill(4) + '.png') ni_plt.plot_glass_brain(nii_i, output_file=outfile, **kwargs) images = [] for file in os.listdir(gif_path): if file.endswith(".png"): images.append(imageio.imread(os.path.join(gif_path, file))) if name is None: gif_outfile = os.path.join(gif_path, 'gif_' + str(min(index)) + '_' + str(max(index)) + '.gif') else: gif_outfile = os.path.join(gif_path, str(name) + '.gif') imageio.mimsave(gif_outfile, images) def _data_and_samplerate_by_file_index(bo, xform, **kwargs): """ Session dependent function application and aggregation Parameters ---------- bo : Brain object Contains data xform : function The function to apply to the data matrix from each filename aggregator: function Function for aggregating results across multiple iterations Returns ---------- results : numpy ndarray Array of aggregated results """ sample_rate = [] for idx, session in enumerate(bo.sessions.unique()): if idx is 0: data_results, session_results, sr_results = xform([bo.sessions == session], bo.sessions.loc[bo.sessions == session], bo.sample_rate[idx], **kwargs) sample_rate.append(sr_results) else: data_next, session_next, sr_next = xform([bo.sessions == session, :], bo.sessions.loc[bo.sessions == session], bo.sample_rate[idx], **kwargs) data_results = data_results.append(data_next, ignore_index=True) session_results = session_results.append(session_next, ignore_index=True) sample_rate.append(sr_next) return data_results, session_results, sample_rate def _resample(bo, resample_rate=64): """ Function that resamples data to specified sample rate Parameters ---------- bo : Brain object Contains data Returns ---------- results: 2D np.ndarray Resampled data - pd.DataFrame Resampled sessions - pd.DataFrame Resample rate - List """ def _resamp(data, session, sample_rate, resample_rate): # number of samples for resample n_samples = np.round(np.shape(data)[0] * resample_rate / sample_rate) # index for those samples resample_index = np.round(np.linspace(data.index.min(), data.index.max(), n_samples)) # resampled sessions re_session = session[resample_index] re_session.interpolate(method='pchip', inplace=True, limit_direction='both') # resampled data re_data = data.loc[resample_index] re_data.interpolate(method='pchip', inplace=True, limit_direction='both') return re_data, re_session, resample_rate return _data_and_samplerate_by_file_index(bo, _resamp, resample_rate=resample_rate) def _plot_locs_connectome(locs, label=None, pdfpath=None): """ Plots locations in nilearn plot connectome Parameters ---------- locs : pd.DataFrame Electrode locations Returns ---------- results: nilearn connectome plot plot of electrodes """ if locs.empty: ni_plt.plot_connectome(np.eye(locs.shape[0]), locs) else: if label is not None: label = list(label) for i, v in enumerate(label): if v == 'observed': label[i] = [0, 0, 1] elif v == 'removed': label[i] = [0.0, 0.75, 0.75] else: label[i] = [1, 0, 1] colors = np.asarray(label) colors = list(map(lambda x: x[0], np.array_split(colors, colors.shape[0], axis=0))) else: colors = 'k' ni_plt.plot_connectome(np.eye(locs.shape[0]), locs, output_file=pdfpath, node_kwargs={'alpha': 0.5, 'edgecolors': None}, node_size=10, node_color=colors) if not pdfpath: def _plot_locs_hyp(locs, pdfpath): #TODO: do we need a separate function for this? doesn't look more convenient than calling hyp.plot directly... """ Plots locations in hypertools Parameters ---------- locs : pd.DataFrame Electrode locations Returns ---------- results: nilearn connectome plot plot of electrodes """ hyp.plot(locs, 'k.', save_path=pdfpath) def _plot_glass_brain(nifti, pdfpath, index=1): #TODO: do we need a separate function for this? doesn't look more convenient than calling plot_glas_brain directly... """ Plots nifti data Parameters ---------- nifti : nifti image Nifti image to plot Returns ---------- results: nilearn plot_glass_brain plot data """ nii = image.index_img(nifti, index) ni_plt.plot_glass_brain(nii) if not pdfpath: def _nifti_to_brain(nifti, mask_file=None): """ Takes or loads nifti file and converts to brain object Parameters ---------- nifti : str or nifti image If nifti is a nifti filepath, loads nifti and returns brain object If nifti is a nifti image, it returns a brain object Returns ---------- results: brain object """ from .nifti import Nifti if type(nifti) is Nifti: img = nifti elif type(nifti) is nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image: img = nifti elif type(nifti) is str: if os.path.exists(nifti): img = nib.load(nifti) else: warnings.warn('Nifti format not supported') else: warnings.warn('Nifti format not supported') mask = NiftiMasker(mask_strategy='background') if mask_file is None: else: hdr = img.header S = img.get_sform() Y = np.float64(mask.transform(nifti)).copy() vmask = np.nonzero(np.array(np.reshape(mask.mask_img_.dataobj, (1,, order='C')))[1] vox_coords = _fullfact(img.shape[0:3])[vmask, ::-1] - 1 R = np.array(, S[0:3, 0:3])) + S[:3, 3] return Y, R, {'header': hdr, 'unscaled_timing':True} def _brain_to_nifti(bo, nii_template): #FIXME: this is incredibly inefficient; could be done much faster using reshape and/or nilearn masking """ Takes or loads nifti file and converts to brain object Parameters ---------- bo : brain object template : str, Nifti1Image, or None Template is a nifti file with the desired resolution to save the brain object activity Returns ---------- results: nibabel.Nifti1Image A nibabel nifti image """ from .nifti import Nifti hdr = nii_template.get_header() temp_v_size = hdr.get_zooms()[0:3] R = bo.get_locs() Y = Y = np.array(Y, ndmin=2) S = nii_template.affine locs = np.array( - S[:3, 3], np.linalg.inv(S[0:3, 0:3])), dtype='int') shape = np.max(np.vstack([np.max(locs, axis=0) + 1, nii_template.shape[0:3]]), axis=0) data = np.zeros(tuple(list(shape) + [Y.shape[0]])) counts = np.zeros(data.shape) for i in range(R.shape[0]): data[locs[i, 0], locs[i, 1], locs[i, 2], :] += Y[:, i] counts[locs[i, 0], locs[i, 1], locs[i, 2], :] += 1 with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): for i in range(R.shape[0]): data[locs[i, 0], locs[i, 1], locs[i, 2], :] = np.divide(data[locs[i, 0], locs[i, 1], locs[i, 2], :], counts[locs[i, 0], locs[i, 1], locs[i, 2], :]) return Nifti(data, affine=nii_template.affine) def _plot_borderless(x, savefile=None, vmin=-1, vmax=1, width=1000, dpi=100, cmap='Spectral'): _close_all() width *= (1000.0 / 775.0) # account for border height = (775.0 / 755.0) * float(width) * float(x.shape[0]) / float(x.shape[1]) # correct height/width distortion fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width / float(dpi), height / float(dpi)), dpi=dpi) if len(x.shape) == 2: plt.pcolormesh(x, vmin=float(vmin), vmax=float(vmax), cmap=cmap) else: plt.imshow(x) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_frame_on(False) fig.set_frameon(False) if not savefile == None: fig.savefig(savefile, figsize=(width / float(dpi), height / float(dpi)), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=dpi) return fig def _plot_big_matrix(X, outfile, max_blocksize=1000, width=1000, vmin=-1, vmax=1): if os.path.isfile(outfile): img = plt.imread(outfile) _plot_borderless(img) return img tmpdir1, fname = os.path.split(outfile) tmpdir2, tmp = os.path.splitext(fname) tmpdir = os.path.join(tmpdir1, tmpdir2) tmp_fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'tmp.png') if not os.path.isdir(tmpdir): delete_tmpdir = True os.makedirs(tmpdir) else: delete_tmpdir = False def carve_bign(n): starts = range(1, n, max_blocksize) ends = starts[1:] ends.append(n) ends = np.unique(ends) starts = np.array(starts) - 1 return starts, ends row_starts, row_ends = carve_bign(X.shape[0]) col_starts, col_ends = carve_bign(X.shape[1]) n = np.max(X.shape) for row in np.arange(len(row_starts)): for col in np.arange(len(col_starts)): next_block = X[row_starts[row]:row_ends[row], col_starts[col]:col_ends[col]] next_width = float(width) * float(col_ends[col] - col_starts[col]) / float(X.shape[1]) _plot_borderless(next_block, tmp_fname, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, width=next_width, dpi=10) next_img = plt.imread(tmp_fname) next_img = np.flipud(next_img) if col == 0: row_img = next_img else: row_img = _safe_cat(row_img, next_img, 1) if n > 1e4: print('.', end='') if row == 0: full_img = row_img else: full_img = _safe_cat(full_img, row_img, 0) if n > 1e4: print('', end='\n') if delete_tmpdir: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) else: os.remove(tmp_fname) _plot_borderless(full_img, outfile); return full_img def _safe_cat(a, b, axis): dims = list(set(np.arange(a.ndim)) - set([axis])) for d in dims: if a.shape[d] > b.shape[d]: b = _padder(b, a, d) elif a.shape[d] < b.shape[d]: a = _padder(a, b, d) return np.concatenate((a, b), axis=axis) def _padder(a, b, dims): if not np.iterable(dims): dims = [dims] dims = np.array(dims) dims[dims < 0] = 0 dims = dims.tolist() padding = np.array(map(lambda x: int(x in dims), np.arange(a.ndim))) * (np.array(b.shape) - np.array(a.shape)) padding = padding * (padding > 0) return np.pad(a, zip(np.zeros([1, a.ndim], dtype=int).tolist()[0], padding.tolist()), 'mean') def _close_all(): figs = plt.get_fignums() for f in figs: plt.close(f)