Source code for supereeg.brain

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import os
import warnings
import copy
import six
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import nibabel as nib
import deepdish as dd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .helpers import _kurt_vals, _normalize_Y, _vox_size, _resample, _plot_locs_connectome, \
    _plot_locs_hyp, _std, _gray, _nifti_to_brain, _brain_to_nifti, _z_score

[docs]class Brain(object): """ Brain data object for the supereeg package A brain data object contains a single iEEG subject. To create one, at minimum you need data (samples x electrodes), location coordinates in MNI space and the sample rate of the data. Additionally, you can include a session id. If included, all analyses will be performed within session and then aggregated across sessions. You can also include a meta dict, which can contain any other information that might be useful (subject id, recording params, etc). Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame, supereeg.Model, supereeg.Nifti, or Nifti1Image Samples x electrodes array containing the iEEG data. If data is a model, returns correlation matrix. If data is a nifti image (either supereeg.Nifti or Nifti1Image), returns nifti values as samples by electrodes array. locs : numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame Electrode by MNI coordinate (x,y,z) array containing electrode locations session : str, int or numpy.ndarray Samples x 1 array containing session identifiers for each time sample. If str or int, the value will be copied for each time sample. sample_rates : float, int or list Sample rate (Hz) of the data. If different over multiple sessions, this is a list. meta : dict Optional dict containing whatever you want. date created : str Time created (optional) label : list List delineating if location was reconstructed or observed. This is computed in reconstruction. Attributes ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Samples x electrodes dataframe containing the EEG data. locs : pandas.DataFrame Electrode by MNI coordinate (x,y,z) df containing electrode locations. sessions : pandas.Series Samples x 1 array containing session identifiers. If a single value is passed, a single session will be created. sample_rates : list Sample rate of the data. If different over multiple sessions, this is a list. meta : dict Optional dict containing whatever you want. n_elecs : int Number of electrodes dur : float Amount of data in seconds for each session n_sessions : int Number of sessions label : list Label for each session kurtosis : int Kurtosis threshold filter : 'kurtosis' or None If 'kurtosis', electrodes that exceed the kurtosis threshold will be removed. If None, no thresholding is applied. minimum_voxel_size : positive scalar or 3D numpy array Used to construct Nifti objects; default: 3 (mm) maximum_voxel_size : positive scalar or 3D numpy array Used to construct Nifti objects; default: 20 (mm) Returns ---------- bo : supereeg.Brain Instance of Brain data object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, locs=None, sessions=None, sample_rate=None, meta=None, date_created=None, label=None, kurtosis=None, kurtosis_threshold=10, minimum_voxel_size=3, maximum_voxel_size=20, filter='kurtosis'): from .load import load from .model import Model from .nifti import Nifti if isinstance(data, six.string_types): data = Brain(load(data)) if isinstance(data, Brain): self.__dict__.update(data.__dict__) self.update_filter_inds() self.update_info() self = data else: if isinstance(data, (Nifti, nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image)): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') data, locs, meta = _nifti_to_brain(data) sample_rate = 1 if isinstance(data, Model): locs = data.locs data = data.get_model(z_transform=False) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): = data else: = pd.DataFrame(data) if isinstance(locs, pd.DataFrame): assert all(locs.columns == ['x', 'y', 'z']) self.locs = locs else: self.locs = pd.DataFrame(locs, columns=['x', 'y', 'z']) if isinstance(sessions, str) or isinstance(sessions, int): self.sessions = pd.Series([sessions for i in range([0])]) elif sessions is None: self.sessions = pd.Series([1 for i in range([0])]) else: self.sessions = pd.Series(sessions.ravel()) if type(sample_rate) in [int, float]: self.sample_rate = [sample_rate]*len(self.sessions.unique()) elif isinstance(sample_rate, list): if isinstance(sample_rate[0], np.ndarray): if sample_rate[0].ndim == 1: sample_rate = np.atleast_2d(sample_rate) self.sample_rate = [sample_rate[0]] else: self.sample_rate = list(sample_rate[0][0]) else: self.sample_rate = sample_rate elif isinstance(sample_rate, np.ndarray): if sample_rate.ndim == 1: sample_rate = np.atleast_2d(sample_rate) if np.shape(sample_rate)[1]>1: self.sample_rate = list(sample_rate[0]) elif np.shape(sample_rate)[1] == 1: self.sample_rate = [sample_rate[0]] assert len(self.sample_rate) == len(self.sessions.unique()), \ 'Should be one sample rate for each session.' else: self.sample_rate = None if[0] == 1: self.dur = 0 else: self.dur = None warnings.warn('No sample rate given. Number of seconds cant be computed') if sample_rate is not None: index, counts = np.unique(self.sessions, return_counts=True) self.dur = np.true_divide(counts, np.array(sample_rate)) if meta: self.meta = meta else: self.meta = {} if not date_created: self.date_created = time.strftime("%c") else: self.date_created = date_created self.n_elecs =[1] # needs to be calculated by sessions self.n_sessions = len(self.sessions.unique()) if np.iterable(kurtosis): self.kurtosis = kurtosis else: self.kurtosis = _kurt_vals(self) self.kurtosis_threshold = kurtosis_threshold self.filter=filter self.filter_inds = self.update_filter_inds() if not label: self.label = len(self.locs) * ['observed'] else: self.label = label self.minimum_voxel_size = minimum_voxel_size self.maximum_voxel_size = maximum_voxel_size
def __getitem__(self, slice): if isinstance(slice, tuple): timeslice, locslice = slice else: timeslice = slice locslice = None return self.get_slice(sample_inds=timeslice, loc_inds=locslice) def __iter__(self): self.counter = 0 return self def __next__(self): if self.counter >=[0]: raise StopIteration s = self[self.counter] self.counter+=1 return s
[docs] def next(self): """ Return next sample from Brain object (wrapper for self.__next__) """ return self.__next__()
def update_filter_inds(self): if self.filter == 'kurtosis': self.filter_inds = self.kurtosis <= self.kurtosis_threshold else: self.filter_inds = np.ones((1, self.locs.shape[0]), dtype=np.bool)[0] #TODO: check this def update_info(self): self.n_elecs =[1] # needs to be calculated by sessions self.n_sessions = len(self.sessions.unique()) ## not entirely sure if try/except necessary and not if/else try: index, counts = np.unique(self.sessions, return_counts=True) self.dur = np.true_divide(counts, np.array(self.sample_rate)) except: self.dur = None
[docs] def info(self): """ Print info about the brain object Prints the number of electrodes, recording time, number of recording sessions, date created, and any optional meta data. """ self.update_info() print('Number of electrodes: ' + str(self.n_elecs)) print('Recording time in seconds: ' + str(self.dur)) print('Sample Rate in Hz: '+ str(self.sample_rate)) print('Number of sessions: ' + str(self.n_sessions)) print('Date created: ' + str(self.date_created)) print('Meta data: ' + str(self.meta))
[docs] def apply_filter(self, inplace=True): """ Return a filtered copy """ if self.filter is None: if not inplace: return copy.deepcopy(self) else: return None x = copy.copy(self.__dict__) x['data'] = self.get_data() x['locs'] = self.get_locs() if self.filter == 'kurtosis': x['kurtosis'] = x['kurtosis'][x['kurtosis'] <= x['kurtosis_threshold']] for key in ['n_subs', 'n_elecs', 'n_sessions', 'dur', 'filter_inds']: if key in x.keys(): x.pop(key) boc = Brain(**x) boc.filter = None boc.update_info() if inplace: self.__init__(boc) else: return boc
[docs] def get_data(self): """ Gets data from brain object """ self.update_filter_inds() return[:, self.filter_inds.ravel()].reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def get_zscore_data(self): """ Gets zscored data from brain object """ self.update_filter_inds() return _z_score(self)
[docs] def get_locs(self): """ Gets locations from brain object """ self.update_filter_inds() return self.locs.iloc[self.filter_inds.ravel(), :].reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def get_slice(self, sample_inds=None, loc_inds=None, inplace=False): """ Indexes brain object data Parameters ---------- sample_inds : int or list Times you wish to index loc_inds : int or list Locations you with to index inplace : bool If True, indexes in place. """ if sample_inds is None: sample_inds = list(self.get_data().index) if loc_inds is None: loc_inds = list(self.get_locs().index) if isinstance(sample_inds, int): sample_inds = [sample_inds] if isinstance(loc_inds, int): loc_inds = [loc_inds] data = self.get_data().iloc[sample_inds, loc_inds].reset_index(drop=True) sessions = self.sessions.iloc[sample_inds] kurtosis = self.kurtosis[self.get_locs().index[loc_inds]] if self.sample_rate: sample_rate = [self.sample_rate[int(s-1)] for s in sessions.unique()] else: sample_rate = self.sample_rate meta = copy.copy(self.meta) locs = self.get_locs().iloc[loc_inds].reset_index(drop=True) date_created = time.strftime("%c") b = Brain(data=data, locs=locs, sessions=sessions, sample_rate=sample_rate, meta=meta, date_created=date_created, filter=None, kurtosis=kurtosis) if inplace: self = b else: return b
[docs] def resample(self, resample_rate=None): """ Resamples data Parameters ---------- resample_rate : int or float Desired sample rate """ if resample_rate is None: return self else: data, sessions, sample_rate = _resample(self, resample_rate) = data self.sessions = sessions self.sample_rate = sample_rate
[docs] def plot_data(self, filepath=None, time_min=None, time_max=None, title=None, electrode=None): """ Normalizes and plots data from brain object Parameters ---------- filepath : str A name for the file. If the file extension (.png) is not specified, it will be appended. time_min : int Minimum value for desired time window time_max : int Maximum value for desired time window title : str Title for plot electrode : int Location in MNI coordinate (x,y,z) by electrode df containing electrode locations """ # normalizes the samples x electrodes array containing the EEG data and # adds 1 to each row so that the y-axis value corresponds to electrode # location in the MNI coordinate (x,y,z) by electrode df containing # electrode locations if self.get_data().shape[0] == 1: nii = self.to_nii() nii.plot_glass_brain() elif self.get_data().empty: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') ax.set_facecolor('w') ax.set_xlabel("time") ax.set_ylabel("electrode") if filepath: plt.savefig(filename=filepath) else: else: Y = _normalize_Y(self.get_data()) if electrode is not None: Y = Y.columns[int(electrode)] # divide index by sample rate so that index corresponds to time if self.sample_rate: Y.index = np.divide(Y.index,np.mean(self.sample_rate)) # if a time window is designated index data in that window if all([time_min, time_max]): mask = (Y.index >= time_min) & (Y.index <= time_max) Y = Y[mask] # if a time window is not designated, default to the first 500 seconds else: time_min = 0 time_max = 10 mask = (Y.index >= time_min) & (Y.index <= time_max) Y= Y[mask] ax = Y.plot(legend=False, title=title, color='k', lw=.6) ax.set_facecolor('w') ax.set_xlabel("time") ax.set_ylabel("electrode") ax.set_ylim([0, len(Y.columns) + 1]) if filepath: plt.savefig(filename=filepath) else:
[docs] def plot_locs(self, pdfpath=None): """ Plots electrode locations from brain object Colors: - Observed : Blue - Removed : Cyan - Reconstructed : Red Parameters ---------- pdfpath : str A name for the file. If the file extension (.pdf) is not specified, it will be appended. """ locs = self.locs if self.filter_inds is None: label = np.array(self.label) elif self.filter_inds.all(): label = np.array(self.label) else: label = np.array(list(map(lambda x: 'observed' if x else 'removed', self.filter_inds))) if locs.shape[0] <= 10000: _plot_locs_connectome(locs, label, pdfpath) else: _plot_locs_hyp(locs, pdfpath)
[docs] def to_nii(self, filepath=None, template='gray', vox_size=None, sample_rate=None): """ Save brain object as a nifti file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to save the nifti file template : str, Nifti1Image, or None Template is a nifti file with the desired resolution to save the brain object activity If template is None (default) : - Uses gray matter masked brain downsampled to brain object voxel size (max 20 mm) If template is str : - Checks if nifti file path and uses specified nifti - If not a filepath, checks if 'std' or 'gray' - 'std': Uses standard brain downsampled to brain object voxel size - 'gray': Uses gray matter masked brain downsampled to brain object voxel size If template is Nifti1Image : - Uses specified Nifti image Returns ---------- nifti : supereeg.Nifti A supereeg nifti object """ from .nifti import Nifti if vox_size: v_size = vox_size else: v_size = _vox_size(self.locs) if np.isscalar(self.minimum_voxel_size): mnv = np.multiply(self.minimum_voxel_size, np.ones_like(v_size)) else: mnv = self.minimum_voxel_size if np.isscalar(self.maximum_voxel_size): mxv = np.multiply(self.maximum_voxel_size, np.ones_like(v_size)) else: mxv = self.maximum_voxel_size if np.any(v_size < self.minimum_voxel_size): v_size[v_size < self.minimum_voxel_size] = mnv[v_size < self.minimum_voxel_size] if np.any(v_size > self.maximum_voxel_size): v_size[v_size > self.maximum_voxel_size] = mxv[v_size > self.maximum_voxel_size] if template is None: img = _gray(v_size) elif type(template) is nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image: img = template elif isinstance(template, str) or isinstance(template, basestring): if os.path.exists(template): img = nib.load(template) elif template is 'gray': img = _gray(v_size) elif template is 'std': img = _std(v_size) else: warnings.warn('template format not supported') else: warnings.warn('Nifti format not supported') if sample_rate: data, sessions, sample_rate = _resample(self, sample_rate) = data self.sessions = sessions self.sample_rate = sample_rate hdr = img.get_header() temp_v_size = hdr.get_zooms()[0:3] if not np.array_equiv(temp_v_size, v_size): warnings.warn('Voxel sizes of reconstruction and template do not match. ' 'Voxel sizes calculated from model locations.') nifti = _brain_to_nifti(self, img) if filepath: nifti.to_filename(filepath) return nifti
[docs] def save(self, fname, compression='blosc'): """ Save method for the brain object The data will be saved as a 'bo' file, which is a dictionary containing the elements of a brain object saved in the hd5 format using `deepdish`. Parameters ---------- fname : str A name for the file. If the file extension (.bo) is not specified, it will be appended. compression : str The kind of compression to use. See the deepdish documentation for options: """ bo = { 'data':, 'locs': self.locs, 'sessions': self.sessions, 'sample_rate': self.sample_rate, 'kurtosis': self.kurtosis, 'kurtosis_threshold' : self.kurtosis_threshold, 'meta': self.meta, 'date_created': self.date_created, 'minimum_voxel_size': self.minimum_voxel_size, 'maximum_voxel_size': self.maximum_voxel_size, 'label' : self.label, 'filter' : self.filter, } if fname[-3:] != '.bo': fname += '.bo', bo, compression=compression)