Simulate model objects and brain objects ======================================== As mentioned in the previous tutorials, you can also simulate data. You can simulate brain objects or you can simulate a list of brain objects to create a model. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the simulate functions and explore varying parameters. Load in the required libraries ============================== .. code:: ipython2 %matplotlib inline import supereeg as se import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from supereeg.helpers import _corr_column Simulate locations ================== To begin, we can either simulate locations: .. code:: ipython2 sim_locs = se.simulate_locations() sim_locs.head() .. raw:: html
x y z
0 -17 2 4
1 -14 9 -1
2 -7 -35 -9
3 -2 10 3
4 -2 23 44
Or extract example locations: Simulate brain object ===================== ``simulate_bo()`` ----------------- By default, the ``simualate_bo`` function will return a 1000 samples by 10 electrodes matrix, but you can specify the number of time samples with ``n_samples``, sessions with ``sessions``, and the number of electrodes with ``n_elecs`` or by passing specific electrodes with ``locs``. .. code:: ipython2 # simulate brain object with example locations bo = se.simulate_bo(n_samples=1000, sample_rate=100, sessions=2) You can view your simulated data with ``bo.plot_data`` and simulated locations with ``bo.plot_locs``. .. code:: ipython2 # for plotting data, the default time window is first 10 seconds, but you can specifiy your own window bo.plot_data(time_min=5, time_max=10) # close plot plt.close() .. image:: simulate_objects_files/simulate_objects_12_0.png .. code:: ipython2 # plot locations bo.plot_locs() .. image:: simulate_objects_files/simulate_objects_13_0.png Replicating simulated data with a random seed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We’ve added a ``random_seed=False`` and ``noise=.1`` parameters as defaults. But if you want to recreate the same brain object, you can set these flags to: ``random_seed=True`` and ``noise=0`` .. code:: ipython2 # if you want to simulate the same brain object again bo_1 = se.simulate_bo(n_samples=1000, sessions=2, n_elecs=5, random_seed=True, noise=0).get_data() bo_2 = se.simulate_bo(n_samples=1000, sessions=2, n_elecs=5, random_seed=True, noise=0).get_data() np.allclose(bo_1, bo_2) .. parsed-literal:: True Specify correlation matrix to generate simulated data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We use a correlation matrix to impose on the simulated subject data. The default is ``random`` uses a positive semi-definite matrix created using random seed. In this example we use ``cov='toeplitz'`` but options include: ``'toeplitz'`` - toeplitz matrix ``'eye'`` - identity matrix ``'distance'`` - distance matrix ``'random'`` - positive semi-definite random matrix .. code:: ipython2 # simulate more locations locs = se.simulate_locations(n_elecs=100) # create brain object with specified correlation matrix bo = se.simulate_bo(n_samples=100, sample_rate=1000, locs=locs, cov='toeplitz') You can also pass a custom covariance matrix in ``cov``. .. code:: ipython2 # create correlation matrix R = se.create_cov(cov='toeplitz', n_elecs=len(locs)) # and use it to create a brain object bo = se.simulate_bo(n_samples=100, sample_rate=1000, locs=locs, cov=R) Simulate model object --------------------- ``simulate_model_bos()`` ------------------------ You can create a simulated model object by passing a list of simulated brain objects. .. code:: ipython2 # number of subjects n_sub = 5 # list of 5 simulated brain objects, each with 20 locations, for model model_bos = [se.simulate_model_bos(n_samples=100, sample_rate=1000, sample_locs=20, locs=locs, cov=R) for x in range(n_sub)] # create model from list of brain objects model = se.Model(data=model_bos, locs=locs) # plot the model model.plot_data() # close plot plt.close() .. image:: simulate_objects_files/simulate_objects_24_0.png Simulation Example 1: --------------------- In this example we will parametrically vary how many subjects and how many electrodes per subject are used to create the model. We loop over number of subjects and number of randomly chosen electrodes and plot the model at each iteration. As the figure shows, the more subjects and electrodes, the better then recovery of the true model. .. code:: ipython2 # n_samples n_samples = 100 # initialize subplots f, axarr = plt.subplots(4, 4) f.set_size_inches(10,8) # loop over simulated subjects size for isub, n_subs in enumerate([10, 25, 50, 100]): # loop over simulated electrodes for ielec, n_elecs in enumerate([10, 25, 50, 100]): # simulate brain objects for the model model_bos = [se.simulate_model_bos(n_samples=n_samples, sample_rate=10, locs=locs, sample_locs=n_elecs, cov=R) for x in range(n_subs)] # create the model object model = se.Model(data=model_bos, locs=locs) # plot it model.plot_data(ax=axarr[isub, ielec], yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, cbar=False, vmin=0, vmax=1, show=False) # set the title axarr[isub, ielec].set_title(str(n_subs) + ' Subjects, ' + str(n_elecs) + ' Electrodes') # close plot plt.close() .. image:: simulate_objects_files/simulate_objects_27_0.png Simulation Example 2: --------------------- In this example, we will simulate a model and some data, and see if we can recover the model from the data. First, we’ll load in some example locations. Then, we will simulate correlational structure (a toeplitz matrix) to impose on our simulated data. This will allow us to test whether we can recover the correlational structure in the data, and how that changes as a function of the number of subjects in the model. Then, we will simulate 10 subjects and create brain objects with their data. The left figure shows the model derived from 10 simulated subjects. Finally, we simulate 10 additional subjects and use the model.update method to update an existing model with new data. On the right, the updated model is plotted. As is apparent from the figures, the more data in the model, the better the true correlational structure can be recovered. .. code:: ipython2 # number of subjects n_subs = 10 # number of electrodes n_elecs = 20 # simulate brain objects for the model that subsample n_elecs for each synthetic patient model_bos = [se.simulate_model_bos(n_samples=1000, sample_rate=1000, locs=locs, sample_locs=n_elecs, cov='toeplitz') for x in range(n_subs)] # create the model object model = se.Model(data=model_bos, locs=locs) # brain object locations subsetted entirely from both model and gray locations - for this n > m (this isn't necessarily true, but this ensures overlap) sub_locs = locs.sample(n_elecs).sort_values(['x', 'y', 'z']) # simulate a new brain object using the same covariance matrix bo = se.simulate_bo(n_samples=100, sample_rate=1000, locs=sub_locs, cov='toeplitz') # update the model new_model = model.update(bo, inplace=False) # simulate brain objects for the model that subsample n_elecs for each synthetic patient model_update_bos = [se.simulate_model_bos(n_samples=100, sample_rate=1000, locs=locs, sample_locs=n_elecs, cov='toeplitz') for y in range(n_subs)] # update the model better_model = model.update(model_update_bos, inplace=False) # initialize subplots f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3) f.set_size_inches(15,5) # plot it and set the title model.plot_data(ax=ax1, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, cbar=True, vmin=0, vmax=1, show=False) ax1.set_title('Before updating model: 10 subjects total') ax1.plot() # plot it and set the title new_model.plot_data(ax=ax2, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, cbar=True, vmin=0, vmax=1, show=False) ax2.set_title('After updating model: 11 subjects total') # plot it and set the title better_model.plot_data(ax=ax3, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, cbar=True, vmin=0, vmax=1, show=False) ax3.set_title('After updating model: 20 subjects total') plt.tight_layout() # close plot plt.close() .. image:: simulate_objects_files/simulate_objects_30_0.png Simulation Example 3: --------------------- In this example, we will loop over 3 verying parameters: ``m_patients`` - the number of subjects used to create the model ``m_elecs`` - the number of electrodes per subject used to create the model ``n_elecs`` - the number of electrodes for the reconstructed patient As the figure shows, the more subjects and electrodes, the better then recovery of the true model. .. code:: ipython2 # n_electrodes - number of electrodes for reconstructed patient n_elecs = range(10, 100, 50) # m_patients - number of patients in the model m_patients = [5, 10] # m_electrodes - number of electrodes for each patient in the model m_elecs = range(10, 100, 50) iter_val = 1 append_d = pd.DataFrame() param_grid = [(p, m, n) for p in m_patients for m in m_elecs for n in n_elecs] for p, m, n in param_grid: d = [] for i in range(iter_val): # create brain objects with m_patients and loop over the number of model locations and subset locations to build model model_bos = [se.simulate_model_bos(n_samples=100, sample_rate=1000, locs=locs, sample_locs=m, noise =.3) for x in range(p)] # create model from subsampled gray locations model = se.Model(model_bos, locs=locs) # brain object locations subsetted entirely from both model and gray locations sub_locs = locs.sample(n).sort_values(['x', 'y', 'z']) # simulate brain object bo = se.simulate_bo(n_samples=100, sample_rate=1000, locs=locs, noise =.3) # parse brain object to create synthetic patient data data =[:, sub_locs.index] # create synthetic patient (will compare remaining activations to predictions) bo_sample = se.Brain(data=data.as_matrix(), locs=sub_locs) # reconstruct at 'unknown' locations bo_r = model.predict(bo_sample) # find the reconstructed indices recon_inds = np.where(np.array(bo_r.label) != 'observed') # sample reconstructed data a reconstructed indices recon = bo_r[:, recon_inds[0]] # sample actual data at reconstructed locations actual = bo[:, recon_inds[0]] # correlate reconstruction with actual data corr_vals = _corr_column(actual.get_data().as_matrix(), recon.get_data().as_matrix()) #corr_vals_sample = np.random.choice(corr_vals, 5) d.append( {'Subjects in model': p, 'Electrodes per subject in model': m, 'Electrodes per reconstructed subject': n, 'Average Correlation': corr_vals.mean(), 'Correlations': corr_vals}) d = pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['Subjects in model', 'Electrodes per subject in model', 'Electrodes per reconstructed subject', 'Average Correlation', 'Correlations']) append_d = append_d.append(d) append_d.index.rename('Iteration', inplace=True) new_df = append_d.groupby('Average Correlation').mean() #fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=len(np.unique(new_df['Subjects in model'])), sharex=True, sharey=True) fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True) axs_iter = 0 cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([.92, .3, .03, .4]) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) fig.set_size_inches(14,5) for i in np.unique(new_df['Subjects in model']): data_plot = append_d[append_d['Subjects in model'] == i].pivot_table(index=['Electrodes per subject in model'], columns='Electrodes per reconstructed subject', values='Average Correlation') axs[axs_iter].set_title('Patients = ' + str(i)) sns.heatmap(data_plot, cmap="coolwarm", cbar=axs_iter == 0, ax=axs[axs_iter], cbar_ax=None if axs_iter else cbar_ax) axs[axs_iter].invert_yaxis() axs_iter += 1 .. image:: simulate_objects_files/simulate_objects_34_0.png Simulations run on the cluster: .. code:: ipython2 from IPython.display import Image Image("simulation_for_nb.png") .. image:: simulate_objects_files/simulate_objects_36_0.png