Nifti objects data type ======================= Another option for plotting and importing/exporting data is using the Nifti objects. Nifti objects are a subclass of the neuroimaging format ``Nibabel Nifti1Image``, which is a file that generally has the extension “.nii” or “.nii.gz”. This allows the user to use our methods with the Nifti class but also use other functionality such as ``Nibabel`` and ``Nilearn`` methods. Load in the required libraries ============================== .. code:: ipython2 import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") %matplotlib inline import supereeg as se First, let’s load in an example nifti file, ``example_nifti``: .. code:: ipython2 nii = se.load('example_nifti') Initialize nifti objects ======================== ``Nifti`` objects can be initialized by passing any of the following to the ``Nifti`` class instance initialization function: - A path to a nifti file (ending in .nii or .nii.gz) - An existing Nifti object (this makes a copy of the object) - A path to any other toolbox-supported datatype, or an instance of another supported datatype (``Brain`` or ``Model`` objects) You may also initialize a ``Nifti`` object using the ``load`` function by specifying ``return_type='nii'``. For example: .. code:: ipython2 bo_nii = se.Nifti('example_data') Or: .. code:: ipython2 bo_nii = se.load('example_data', return_type='nii') Spatial resampling ------------------ Any ``Nifti`` object may be quickly resampled to an arbitrary voxel size using the ``vox_size`` argument. The voxel sizes may be specified either as a scalar (for cubic voxels) or as a 3D tuple (for rectangular prism or parallelopiped voxels): .. code:: ipython2 bo_nii = se.Nifti('example_data', vox_size=6) Nifti object methods ==================== Some useful methods on a nifti object: ```` ---------------- This method will give you a summary of the nifti object: .. code:: ipython2 .. parsed-literal:: Header: object, endian='<' sizeof_hdr : 348 data_type : db_name : extents : 0 session_error : 0 regular : dim_info : 0 dim : [ 4 30 36 30 500 1 1 1] intent_p1 : 0.0 intent_p2 : 0.0 intent_p3 : 0.0 intent_code : none datatype : float64 bitpix : 64 slice_start : 0 pixdim : [1. 6. 6. 6. 1. 1. 1. 1.] vox_offset : 0.0 scl_slope : nan scl_inter : nan slice_end : 0 slice_code : unknown xyzt_units : 0 cal_max : 0.0 cal_min : 0.0 slice_duration : 0.0 toffset : 0.0 glmax : 0 glmin : 0 descrip : aux_file : qform_code : unknown sform_code : aligned quatern_b : 0.0 quatern_c : 0.0 quatern_d : 0.0 qoffset_x : -88.0 qoffset_y : -124.0 qoffset_z : -70.0 srow_x : [ 6. 0. 0. -88.] srow_y : [ 0. 6. 0. -124.] srow_z : [ 0. 0. 6. -70.] intent_name : magic : n+1 ``nifti.get_slice()`` --------------------- This method allows you to slice out images from your nifti object, and returns the indexed nifti. .. code:: ipython2 nii_sliced = bo_nii.get_slice(index=[0,1,2]) ``nifti.plot_glass_brain()`` ---------------------------- This method will plot your nifti object. This method wraps ``nilearn.plot_glass_brain`` to plot the nifti object, so any arguments that ``nilearn.plot_glass_brain`` accepts are supported by ``nifti.plot_glass_brain``. .. code:: ipython2 nii_sliced.plot_glass_brain() .. image:: nifti_objects_files/nifti_objects_17_0.png ``nifti.plot_anat()`` --------------------- This method will plot your nifti object. This method wraps ``nilearn.plot_anat`` to plot the nifti object, so any arguments that ``nilearn.plot_anat`` accepts are supported by ``nifti.anat``. For example, you can plot the example nifti: .. code:: ipython2 nii.plot_anat() .. image:: nifti_objects_files/nifti_objects_19_0.png ``nifti.make_gif()`` -------------------- This method will plot 4D nifti data as ``nilearn.plot_glass_brain``, save as png files, and compile the files as gif. This method wraps ``nilearn.plot_glass_brain`` to plot the nifti object, so any arguments that ``nilearn.plot_glass_brain`` accepts are supported by ``nifti.plot_glass_brain``. .. code:: ipython2 #nii.make_gif(gifpath='/path/to/save/gif', index=range(0, 10), name=None, **kwargs) ```` ---------------- This method will save your nifti object to the specified filepath location as a ‘nii’ file. .. code:: ipython2'/path/to/save/nifti')